Field Training: Coastal Zone Disaster Management

Yogyakarta, November 25, 2017. Field Trip, which is one of the course series in MTPBA, was followed by 24 students from 3 different subjects, i.e. 12 students from the course of Wave and Tsunami, 7 students form Coastal Zone Disaster Management course, 5 students form Civil Engineering irrigation course (regular). Prof. Radianta Triadmadja as the lecturer of the courses brings along with him an assistant and PhD student.

Students are invited to see directly the situation and field conditions in the south of Yogyakarta, started with visit to Kuwaru Beach in Bantul Regency. On the beach, Prof. Radianta explained about abrasion due to tidal waves that destroyed several buildings along the coast. He mentioned that one of the causes of coastal abrasion is a lower sediments supply from rivers that flow to the coast as the effect of sand mining in the upper area.

The next location is Goa Cemara Beach which is located about 5 km to the East from the first location. In this location, Prof. Radianta describes the longshore wave processes that occur on the coast. In addition, he showed to the students the existence of pine vegetation and the sand dunes as one of the tsunami disaster preparedness process.

Fieldtrip trip continues to Parangtritis Beach, where there are three tsunami hazard protection sites which are located in three hills with a height of 30 mdpl. That locations are, Tomb of Sheikh Bela Belu, Tomb of Sheikh Maulana Magribi, and evacuation camp of Bulak Mabul. The last location to be visited during this Fieldtrip is Drini Beach, which is located at Gunung Kidul Regency which is located approximately 60 km (1.5 hours) to the east of Parangtritis Beach. At this location, Prof. Radianta and student of Coastal Zone Disaster class conducted an experiment on estimation of Rip Current with a simple method by throwing out plastic to the sea, and then observe its movement.


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