Field Training on Volcanology, batch 2017

Field training for MTPBA students on implementation of volcanic disaster mitigation was held on November 15, 2017, with Dr. Ahmad Rifa’i, the lecturer of related course subject. Field Trip started at the Sabo Training Center (STC) in Maguwoharjo Yogyakarta. During the visit, the group was welcomed by Deputy of Sediment Disaster Management Crisis Center, Ovi Anton Nugroho, S. Si, M. Eng, Mr. Joko Cahyono, and Mr. Masaharu Mizoguchi as the consultant of Yachiyo Engineering.

In this field training, students were expected to know how is the implementation on Preventive Measure related to the mitigation of volcanic disaster, with a case study in Mount Merapi. Furthermore, Mr. Joko Cahyono explained that mitigation of volcano disaster could be conducted by Sabo system method as lava control project. Sabo system is a method of volcanic lava hazard mitigation from Japan, which was initially implemented in Indonesia in 1969, then it has been applied in Gendol River since 1974.

Mr. Mizoguchi stated that the master plan for sediments hazard mitigation of Mount Merapi has been reviewed since the early 1980s design, then it has changed in 2001 and 2017. The latest review is conducted based on the 2010 Mount Merapi eruption that changed the peak morphology of Mount Merapi and the lava flown up to 15 km to the south through Kali Gendol. With the current scope of work, the Sabo System is expected to accommodate the volcano sediment of Mount Merapi up to 30% from calculation of potential volcano sediment of 2.1 million cubic meters.

At Mount Merapi Observation Post (PGM) of Kaliurang, the group was welcomed by one of the Managers, who also serves as the observers of Mount Merapi activities, Mr. Usman. He explained briefly the observation activity with recording tools, such as seismographs, thermal measurement, rain gauges, surveillance cameras, and aerial photographs. In addition, He also explained the process of Mount Merapi eruption in 2010 through seismograph recordings, which became one of tools to determine status of alert for Mount Merapi.

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