Field Study MTPBA Students 2017

Field study MTPBA students held :

Location 1
Date : September 3-5, 2017
Location: Makasar (Sabo Bawakaraeng, Bili-bili reservoir and Nipa-nipa reservoir)
Participants: 17 students.
Lecturers : Dr. Ir. Istiarto, M.Eng., Dr. Ir. Adam Pamudji Rahaardjo, M.Sc., Prof. Dr. Ir. Budi Wingyosukarto, DIpl.HE.

Location 2
Date: September 6-8, 2017
Location: Ternate (Sabo Gunung Gamalama, dan Jetty beach)
Participants: 17 students.
Lecturers : Dr. Ir. Istiarto, M.Eng., Dr. Ir. Adam Pamudji Rahaardjo, M.Sc., Prof. Dr. Ir. Budi Wingyosukarto, DIpl.HE.

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