Welcome Lecture and Outbound for The New Students

The Ministry of Public Works and Housing of The Repulbic of Indonesia on Thursday, 11th August 2016, held an inaguration for their staffs who enroll in master degree programs at the Faculty of Engineering UGM this 2016-2017 Academic Year.  A lecture was delivered by Kepala Badan Pengembangan SDM of the Ministry on this occation. The staffs receive scholarship provided by the Ministry for the period of four semesters. They enroll in five master programs at the Faculty of Engineering UGM: the Master of Engineering in Natural Disaster Management (MTPBA), MSTT, MSTB, MPA2L, and MTG. The first four programs are master programs at the Departement of Civil and Environmental Engineering, where as the latter is a new program at the Departement of Geology.

After the lecture, the new students joined an outbound program, which lasted until today, Friday, 12th August 2016.


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