Campus Life

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We Are Here

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How To Get There

Arriving in Yogyakarta

Once you arrived at Adi Sutjipto International Airport of Yogyakarta, there are many Taxi services you could use. But we recommend you to take Rajawali Taxi, the standard Taxi service in the airport. To use the Taxi, you may go to the Taxi counter inside the airport, approximately 20 meter from the domestic arrival gate, on your right, or 100 meter from the international arrival gate, on your left.

By using Rajawali Taxi, you have to pay in advance, and afterwards you can go to the taxi pool roughly 25 meter in front of the counter. The usual fare for Rawajali taxi straight to the campus area is IDR 50,000 to 60,000. The distance between the airport and campus is roughly 15 kilometers, and the trip will took approximately 40 minutes.

Going To The Campus

If you are already in Yogyakarta Region, there are many types of transportation that you can choose to go to campus, for example is public transportation (on call taxis or buses), private transportation (car, motorcycle, or bicycle), and even walking. If you do not have your own transportation and you only have a short (few days) stay campus, we recommend you to take the bus (the Transjogja one) the specific route of the bus depends on where you are staying. This information can be found in  To take Transjogja, you may find a green-yellow colored bus stop nearest your location. The price for one trip is Rp 3,000. You can get a cheaper ticket if you’re registering under your UGM student card.

If you are not convenient with public transportation and have a longer (one semester or more) stay in Yogyakarta, we recommend you to have your own transportation, for example motorcycle or bicycle. Most foreign student studied in UGM chose to use bicycle to travel, because you don’t have to register your vehicle for UGM’s Vehicle Identification Number. You can rent/borrow it or even buy the secondhand bicycle). You can park your vehicle inside the campus in the available area. If you chose to travel by walking, inside the UGM’s area, the university is providing the students with a Campus Bike or ‘Sepeda Kampus’. The ‘Sepeda Campus’ can be used by the UGM students for free only by showing the campus security your student card. The ‘Sepeda Kampus’ can only be used inside the UGM area, and you must return it to get your student card back.

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Students Life

Residence and Housing

Universitas Gadjah Mada has a number of student housings. You will have a privilege to stay at the university housing, unless you chose to do otherwise. You can find the information here and also here

If you choose not to stay in the student housing, another option is to rent a room for you to live while your stay in Yogyakarta / private housing. People usually call it ‘kos’. ‘Kos’ can be living together with Indonesian family as your host or also there are many availability of ‘kos’ that already designed for a newcomer people to live in short time together. There are many types of ‘kos’ in Yogyakarta, with many price ranges (IDR 500,000 to IDR 2,000,000 per month) and different types of facilities (room sizes, bathroom in/outside the room, hot water, wifi, television, curfew/not, furnished/unfurnished, etc). Average students usually pay IDR 600,000.

Health and Insurance

Every UGM’s student is provided by a health insurance, called GMC. You can find further information here

Dress Code

Every UGM’s student is required to use a proper and polite dress code for campus activities, usually with collar. You are not permitted to wear shorts and flip flops. You may only use a proper shoes and trousers.

If you have further inquiries and even assistance for the facilities above, please do not hesitate to contact us prior from your arrival.

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Customs and Essentials


Indonesia is located in tropical climate. So there are two seasons, rainy season and dry season. Dry season usually comes at the second half of every year, and the rainy season at the first half of every year. In Indonesia, we use the °C (celcius) temperature scale, instead of °F (fahrenheit). The peak temperature in dry season is approximately 32°C and the lowest temperature in rainy season is approximately 21°C. We advise you to always bring a coat and an umbrella during rainy season because usually the heavy rains occur. For dry season, we advise you to always bring hat or an umbrella if you are not used to the temperature.


Indonesia has three time zones, Western Indonesian Time, WIB, GMT+7, Central Indonesian Time, WITA, GMT+8, and Eastern Indonesian Time, WIT, GMT+9. Yogyakarta is located in GMT+07.00 time zone.


Indonesian people mostly speak Indonesian language (Bahasa) in daily conversation. Bahasa is almost similar to the Malaysian language, yet different. Most of Indonesian people are not used to speak in English. In Yogyakarta, you might find people speak Javanese (local language). You could ask them whether they speak English or not.


Indonesian Rupiah (IDR or Rp) is the nation’s official currency. You could go to the money changer to convert your current currency to Rupiah. You can find the money changer near you here There are also various banks here in Yogyakarta, you can check whether your bank is available in Yogyakarta


Indonesia uses metric system instead of continental measures. For example, we use meters instead of inches, Celcius instead of Fahrenheit, grams instead of pounds, etc.


If you are considering a longer stay in Indonesia and want to buy a secondary phone number for easier communication, there are few phone operators you can choose, you can find more information here

It is easy to have a mobile phone number. You buy a simcard (‘kartu perdana‘) available in many kiosks for IDR 5,000, plug it into your phone, register by sms (ask the seller to do it for you), and your number will be immediately active. You may need to purchase communication account (‘pulsa‘), available at different prices, i.e. IDR 10,000; 20,000; 50,000.


Free hotspot is available in campus area. You need to login by using your email account and password. Our supporting staff will provide you with an email account upon your arrival in campus.


Most of Indonesian people do not have a family name. So you don’t have to address them using their last name, using first name is more common in Indonesia. For honorifics, you can use ‘Pak‘ for an older or respected male and ‘Bu‘ for an older or respected female. For younger or peer age, you can use ‘Mas‘ for male and ‘Mbak‘ for female.


You can have food in cafeteria at the campus. Here, the available food is only Indonesian food which is a Halal food and usually categories in rich in spices food. If you wish to have another type of food (Western food, Asian food, etc) you will have to go to a specific and special restaurant.

Tap water in Indonesia is not a drinking water. You are not supposed to drink from tap, unless it is stated that it is a drinking water. The drinks served in campus cafeteria or other restaurants are a drinking water. Other than that, you have to buy a bottled water, or even boil the water manually.


Most Indonesian facilities have two kinds of toilets. The toilets you squat over or ‘toilet jongkok‘ and toilets you sit on or ‘toilet duduk‘. These facilities are not common to provide the tissue, so if you need tissue, you may bring it youself. Both kinds of toilets are prohibited to throw something away or flush over a tissue, paper, or any kind of things.


Most Indonesian facilities only provide ‘this type’ of adapter, with a 220 V electricity. We recommend you to buy or use an universal adapter so that you can use your electric equipment.


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