About Us


[symple_tab title=”Overview”]


Indonesia is an archipelago with a very vast region which situated in between two tectonic plates, which makes Indonesia susceptible to natural disasters. For example earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic activities, floods, drought, landslide debris flow, etc. Indonesia also has tropical climate due to equator line, which naturally makes precipitation is usually high and makes it has a huge potential benefits for exploration to fulfill all sorts of water necessities for various sector. Especially for supporting food supply security with irrigation water, environmental control, etc. On the other side, extreme water availability could create destruction potential that has to be controlled so that the negative impact could be minimized. With the additional of rapid population growth in those areas subject to natural disasters, handling and countermeasures of natural disasters are necessary and need to have a careful attention.

As a participant in the Master in Engineering in Natural Disaster Management, you will be prepared to become a graduate as professional and reliable human resources that have qualification in doing analysis, evaluation, and engineering science based synthesis in terms of natural disaster management in pre disaster stage, emergency response stage, and in rehabilitation and reconstruction stage, especially, countermeasures in physical/technical aspect.

[symple_tab title=”We Are Here”]

We Are Here

[symple_tab title=”Vision and Mission”]

Vision and Mission


Shaping human being to be competent, and devoted to The Supreme Being, and also have academic and professional skills in implementing, developing, and also enriching science and technology in natural disasters management field which oriented to people concerns.


Enhancing human resources capability that spreads in every area in the country, so that they can be gave their real contribution in development activity related to natural disasters management, through quality education suitable with field demand and fully utilizing all potential (infrastructures) available.


[symple_tab title=”History”]


The Master in Engineering in Natural Disaster Management  was initiated in 1998 by The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering UGM. It was during the Minitry of Public Work’s ISDM Integrated Sediment-related Disaster Management) project, which is a collaboration project between Ministry of Public Works and JICA, that the need of a graduate programme in natural disaster was realized. A joint team of UGM-MPW- JICA was finally came up with the structure of this graduate programme, named as Magister Pengelolaan Bencana Alam, which is known by its abbreviation, MPBA. This Programme was placed under the Graduate Program in Civil Engineering UGM, as one of the majors. MPBA’s core curriculum was sediment-related disasters.

The first batch of MPBA was in 2001, where fifteen students were accepted. All of them were young staffs of the Ministry of Public Works. The collaboration between MPBA, Ministry of Public Works, and JICA continued on to 2007. In the following four years, 20087-2011, MPBA was run under the collaboration between UGM dan Ministry of Public Works. The curricula were modified, from sediment-related disaster to water-related disaster, and expanded to include reearthquake.

In 2012, MPBA entered its third phase where the curricula were again enlarged and divided into three sub-topics, namely water-related disaster, earthquake and landslide (geo-hazard), and volcanic disaster. The collaboration with the Ministry of Public Works continues until present.

MPBA was transformed into a study program the Master in Engineering in Natural Disaster Management, or Magister Teknik Pengelolaan Bencana Alam in Bahasa Indonesia, known by its abbreviation MTPBA, in September 2013.


[symple_tab title=”AUN/SEED-Net”]

AUN/SEED-Net Natural Disaster Field

Starting in the 2013-2014 Academic Year, MPBA has been designated as the Host Institution (HI) of the AUN/SEED-Net’s Natural Disaster Field. As HI, MPBA admits students from Member Institutions (MIs) of AUN/SEED-Net. Students of the AUN/SEED-Net are in parallel class of the regular students. All academic activities in the AUN/SEED-Net class are in English.

AUN/SEED-Net stands for ASEAN University Network – Southeast Asia Engineering Education Development Network. SEED-Net is aimed at promoting human resources development in engineering in ASEAN. To date the Network consists of 26 leading Member Institutions (selected by the Ministries in charge of higher education of respective countries) from 10 ASEAN countries with the support of 14 leading Japanese Supporting Universities (selected by Japanese Government). AUN/SEED-Net  currently supports 10 fields of engineering.


[symple_tab title=”Faculty Members”]

Faculty Members

MTPBA faculty members come from various departments in the Faculty of Engineering UGM. Six faculty members have MTPBA as their home base.

MTPBA Faculty Members

Adam Pamudji Rahardjo, Assoc. Prof.
Ahmad Rifa’i, Assoc. Prof.
Djoko Legono, Prof.
Fatchan Nurrochmad, Prof.
Iman Satyarno, Prof.
Istiarto, Assoc. Prof.

Faculty Members supported by Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Bambang Agus Kironoto, Prof.
Bambang Triatmodjo, Prof.
Bambang Yulistiyanto, Prof.
Budi Wignyosukarto, Prof.
Djoko Luknanto, Assist. Prof.
Henricus Priyosulistyo, Prof.
Joko Sujono, Prof.
Nizam, Prof.
Nur Yuwono, Prof.
Rachmad Jayadi, Assoc. Prof.
Radianta Triatmadja, Prof.
Sri Harto, Prof. (ret)
Teuku Faisal Fathani, Assoc. Prof.

FACULTY MEMBERS SUPPORTED BY Geological Engineering Department

Agung Harijoko, Assoc. Prof.
Dwikorita Karnawati, Prof.
Subagyo Pramumijoyo, Prof.
Sugeng Wiyono, Assoc. Prof.
Wahyu Wilopo, Assist. Prof.


Trias Aditya Kurniawan, Assoc. Prof.


[symple_tab title=”Management”]


Dr. Adam Pamudji Rahardjo

Supporting Staffs

Ms. Tria Ningsih (Academic)

Previous Management

Prof. Djoko Legono (Chair)
Adam Pamudji Rahardjo, Ph.D. (Vice Chair for Academic)
Dr. Istiarto (Vice Chair for Finance and Infrastructure)

Darmanto, M.Sc. (Chair)
Prof. Radianta Triatmadja (Vice Chair for Academic)
Dr. Rachmad Jayadi (Vice Chair for Finance and Infrastructure)

Prof. Radianta Triatmadja (Chair)
Budi Kamulyan, M.Sc. (Vice Chair)

Prof. Joko Sujono (Chair)
Dr. Rachmad Jayadi (Vice Chair)

Dr. Rachmad Jayadi (Chair)
Prof. Joko Sujono (Vice Chair)

Dr. Rachmad Jayadi (Chair)
Dr. Istiarto (Vice Chair)

Dr. Istiarto (Chair)

Dr. Istiarto (Chair)
Dr. Adam Pamudji Rahardjo (Secretary)

Dr. Adam Pamudji Rahardjo (Chair)



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